Most Popular Types of Websites
Although the classification of websites can also be made according to the way they are displayed (static or dynamic), their accessibility (private or public), or the technology they use (HTML5, PHP, JavaScript), it is the function of a website that interests users.
Here are the most popular types of websites you’ll see come across on the web.
Types of Websites
1) E-commerce website
Reaching more than $3.5 trillion in sales worldwide, online stores are one of the most well-known types of sites. These sites consist of various web pages where companies showcase their products and where users can order online (via a virtual “shopping cart”) and use different payment methods (such as credit card, bank transfer or online wallets).
2) Landing page or single page website
As the name suggests, these sites collect all their information on a single web page and the user scrolls down the page to reach the content. These sites, which are optimized to meet a specific purpose, are used as highly effective and inexpensive marketing tools when it comes to launching special products or services.
3) Business websites
The main function of the business websites is to display the basic information of an organization or business. Web design for business should be simple and clean. So they usually don’t contain many pages, except for the basic pages (home, about, location, services, and contact).
4) Micro Websites
They are websites that are often used by mass consumer brands to reinforce their corporate image. These are separate entities for brands than their main websites. They contain messages dedicated to building customer loyalty and informing customers about the the specific campaigns or company philosophy. Usually such sites do not have a shopping cart.
5) Blogs
These websites are used to publish articles or posts chronologically on just about anything you can think of, from life stories to news, essays to lists of practical advice. A successful blog needs to be regularly updated.
6) Website for Professional Services
They are sites that encourage users to buy a product or service, but they are not exactly an e-commerce site. Often professionals from different fields (e.g. a dentist or ophthalmologist, etc.), suppliers, and service-based companies (like a shipping company) use these sites because their sales processes are more about a solicitation or appointment than e-commerce.
7) Forums, Communities and Social Networks
These sites bring together users with similar interests to communicate through timelines, chats, or private forums. For example, Facebook, Twitter, Quora.
8) Wikis
Wiki websites are collaborative digital encyclopedias in which a community of authors is responsible for uploading and editing information. The most well-known website in this format is Wikipedia.
9) SaaS Websites
Software as a service (SaaS) is a way of distributing applications over the internet. Installing and maintaining the software on a device is not necessary. These services are mostly based on monthly subscriptions.
10) News Websites
A news website might be an online version of a newspaper, or as a stand-alone publication. They provide continuous streams of news and updates about current issues.
11) Streaming Websites
Streaming media services deliver content such as movies, documentaries, tv series via internet to the subscriber’s computer.
12) Government Websites
Governmental bodies all around the world use websites to information on various topics is provided.